Lock Screen is a very light and convenient app that help you to lock your phones screen easily without having you to press the hard Power Button.You will find it useful when:✓ Very convenient way to lock screen immediately.✓ No need to always press hard power button to turn off / lock screen.✓ No Ads!To uninstall Lock Screen app:1. Go to phones settings > Security > Device administrators > Uncheck Lock Screen.2. Go to phones Settings > Apps > Lock Screen > Tap uninstall.Notes:✓ This app uses the Device Administrator permission to lock your phones screen.✓ Only available on Android P and newer: This app uses the new Accessibility Service APIs to lock your phones screen without disabling the fingerprint on the lock screen. As result of using new APIs; new user permissions have to be included (i.e. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ).Like it? Find it useful? Share it and give a positive rating.Questions / Inquiries? Report bug? Suggest new improvement / feature? Click Email Developer link below.